Dr. David Lynn is a research scientist at Emory University who studies the chemical origins of the
universe and is interested in the behavior of molecules.
The Accumulation of Change is an art and science hybrid event that features sculpture, music
and choreography inspired by Dr. Lynn's research. Performance art is combined with live aural and
media presentations by Dr. Lynn. The piece has been shown at Emory University and Eyedrum Arts
Center, Atlanta, GA; Northwest Film Forum, Seattle, WA; Chicago Humanities Festival, Chicago, IL; and the
American Association for the
Advancement of Sciences National Conference, Washington DC.
An art video born from the collaborative work with research scientist Dr. David Lynn exploring the
behavioral similarities between bubbles, molecules, and society.
Research scientist Dr. David Lynn's research on the origins of life has led him to some interesting
notions on the the way molecules self-assemble. Here, Ela and Leah play with the idea in their studio.
Dr. Edlund is an assistant professor at Lafayette College who studies repoductive biology in plants.
Lelavision created the educational short "Fertile Eyes" in collaboration with Anna. Using her research
as inspiration, the video uses humor and analogy to tell the story of pollination, pollen germination on
the flower's stigma, pollen tube elongation through the carpel, and double fertilization of the ovules
deep within the ovaries.
Music for Fertile Eyes comes from Ela's CDs Sculptaural and Long Period Events.
Thanks to Emory University's Program in
Science and Society.
Fertile Eyes won the grand prize in the ChloroFilms video contest.
Dr. Steven Vogel's projects mainly ask how the structural arrangements of organisms reflect
adaptation to the mechanics of moving fluids.
For his collaboration with Lelavision he wrote "The Bio Ballistic Ball," an essay on the history
of ballistics. Lelavision created the performance "Musico Ballistica" based on this amusing look
at the sience of throwing things.
David Lynn is director of the Center for Chemical Evolution at Emory University and chair of the Chemistry Department.
The Warm Pond is Ela's Sculptural response to Dr. Lynn's research and ideas about the origin of life.